We just returned from a wonderful weekend at Zion National Park. We got back a day earlier so that we can rest, recharge and reset. Holidaying can be tiring affairs! It worked out perfectly anyway as we covered all the hikes we wanted to do. We simply drove home yesterday afternoon instead of today. But, back to the trip, we had a great time and all in all, Zoe weathered the complete disruption of her routine well. She took to the backpack carrier well too, even though we took her on longer hikes. She was curious, looked around and slept when she got tired - though never long enough for us.
She did less well on the camping part, however. We were hoping she would fall asleep without fuss in the tent. Unfortunately, on the first night, she cried quite heartedly at first and twice in the middle of the night. Luckily, she managed to fall asleep soon after. Still, that first night of camping was a little rougher than we liked. Dennis and I took turns worrying about Zoe. First we were worried that she might not be warm enough, then we worried that she might be too hot under the layers (five) we have on her. Then, Dennis did not sleep well (the new and thicker mattress notwithstanding). I think he worried for Zoe, whereas I slept soundly once I was sure Zoe was fine temperature wise.
That's the long way of saying we decided to decamp to the Holiday Inn Express for the next night! I think, until we invest in car camping equipment (which affords more comfort and room than the lightweight backpacking stuff we have now), we will be putting up in hotels/cabins/lodges for our holidays. Zoe has no problem sleeping in the hotel cribs - no fuss at all! I guess she takes after her father - he too sleeps more soundly in hotel beds. As for me, can't say I find the upgrade disagreeable!
Day 1 (Friday):
Day 1: Zoe getting her solids at our campsiteWe got to Zion National Park early Friday morning to try to snag one of the 127 first-come-first-served campsites at the South Campground in the park. After some confusion and frantic scrambling, we got us a nice campsite, set up tent, had brunch before setting out to see the "Weeping Rock" and hike the Hidden Canyon Trail. Notice that I say "see" since the Weeping Rock was hardly a trail. I don't believe it is even the 1/4 mile one way hike the park service claims it to be for we got there in less than five minutes. Still, it was quite a pretty little alcove.
Day 1: At the "Weeping Rock"
The Hidden Canyon was more interesting a hike. Situated on the east side of the main canyon, the trail wends its way up, crossing a few ravines, to arrive at the mouth of Hidden Canyon. We enjoyed it though the trail was a paved trail, which I think is more "touristy" and harder on the knees.
Day 1: Hidden Canyon Trail
Day 1: Up the Hidden Canyon Trail Day 2 (Saturday):The highlight of the day was Angels Landing, which is a classic Zion hike. Even though it is graded as "strenuous" and described as "harrowing," "exhilarating," and "not for the faint of heart," plenty of people young and old make their way up this fin like mountain formation that juts out to the center of the main canyon. I should emphasize the "plenty of people." It was a crowded trail! Luckily, it was a very pretty trail too (I suppose that is why it is so popular). We followed the Virgin River and then made our way up the Refrigerator Canyon and then onto the ridge.
Day 2: At the start of the Angels Landing Trail
We got to Scott's Lookout just in time for a lovely lunch break. From there, we had a good view of the final half mile leading to Angels Landing and of the canyon. The final half mile is actually the "exhilarating" part, with many exposed sections. We decided to skip the final half mile. Even though it is completely doable, we didn't want to risk it. Have to be more careful now that we have baby on our back! Besides, the narrow trail looked too crowded for our liking. We could see a line of people making up the trail slowly.
Day 2: Walter's WigglesSo we turned around after we had our lunch. The hike down was just as lovely, though, again, because the trail was paved, hard on the knees and joints. When we got back down, we went back to our campsite to collect our tent and stuff. Thereafter, we made our way to the Holiday Inn Express (where we stayed on Thursday evening). It was so nice to have a hot shower and to have a crib to put Zoe into. Our little one was such a trooper. She laughed and giggled and played. No crying that night!
Day 2: At the hotel and happy! Day 3 (Sunday):Sunday morning, we checked out of the Holiday Inn and headed north to the Kolob Canyons part of the Zion National Park to hike the Taylor Creek trail. Kolob Canyons is in the Northwest part of the park. This turned out to be my favorite hike. The trail followed Taylor Creek and took us through a very lush, verdant canyon that was simply magnificent. The sky was mostly cloudy with spots of blue, the birds sang, and the leaves danced with the wind. And our baby babbled her baby babble most of the way in. We were happy!
Day 3: On Taylor Creek Trail
Day 3: Our baby sleeping
Day 3: At the Double Arch AlcoveWell, this is the account of our holiday. Looking forward to our next!