Friday, October 24, 2008

Helping Mommy - Or Not

New Toys

I went out to get a bunch of new toys for Zoe yesterday. I realized that Zoe has - except for her favorite push toys - exhausted her interest in all of her other toys. Also, I realized, a bit guiltily, that even though we think the house is full of toys already, she really doesn't have all that many. It was all remedied by a quick trip to Toys R' Us and after some searching on Craigslist. I am glad to report that Zoe is well pleased with the change. Dennis and I are too, actually. The pleasure of seeing Zoe giggle and bounce up and down with joy at the new things is immense. Here you see her exhibiting her artistic talents.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Grandpa Asks, Grandpa Gets!

It's been a very tiring few days for me. Dennis came down with a bad case of gout last Thursday and since then, I have been the only one holding fort around the house. I always appreciated all the things big and small Dennis do for us after he comes home from a day at work, but I really appreciate it now that I know what it is like to not have them. All that said, I'm very happy to report that Dennis' toe is doing better and that he is not all wretched about it any more.

Anyhow, I know that Grandpa has been asking to see a video of Zoe pushing the Radio Flyer Walker Wagon that Kaelem very generously loaned to Zoe. So here it is. Grandpa asks and Grandpa gets! (albeit with some delay ;) )

Zoe loves pushing this wagon around and we think she plays shopping cart with it. Zoe likes to push it around and put things into it as she goes around the house.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Monkey Girl

We love Zoe's new monkey-themed footie pajamas.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Zoe spent some time examining the buckles to her highchair yesterday. We love how she made all these talking, cooing noises as if she was talking herself through it. Ba da ba: "Let's see, this one goes to here..." Ba: "How did mommy do it? I can figure it out."

Eating with spoon

Zoe has reached the stage where she develops in leaps and bounds. All those months of practice! She is finally putting it together. She started to toddle tentatively about a week ago. And she is more and more successful with the spoons.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I don't know which is more exciting to report first: Zoe's first steps (real steps, three of them) or first kiss bestowed (to daddy). Or - there is more - that she drank just about 6 oz of milk in one sitting of her own free will (she sometimes take 6 oz of milk over three days). Oh! What a day.

Actually, I didn't see Zoe's first step. I was in the kitchen cooking when I heard Dennis yell "Honey! She's walking!!!!" I ran out, but it was too late, Zoe was back to her hands and knees. I encouraged her to "walk," but all she did was crawl over to me demanding to be carried. Oh well. I wish I saw it, but I'm glad that Dennis was there to see it for he was so worried that he would be at work when she takes her first steps. It's a good day for Dennis. Not long after, Zoe kissed his cheeks for the first time. He said "kiss Papa," and she did! Tenderly, sweetly. It was a priceless moment.

I guess Zoe decided she can't leave mom empty handed - she didn't kiss me, even after I planted my cheeks in front of her in the most endearing, beseeching way - and so drank a whole lot of milk right before bed. That was almost better than a kiss!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Video

I've been busy reading about the election, analysis about the candidates' plans, and the American political process, which is why I haven't been blogging of late. I have been more active on Facebook, posting links and what not regarding the financial meltdown, health care plan of Obama and McCain, and Palin. Anyhow, enough about that. Here is a video of Zoe we took a couple of days ago. She is growing. Not in the actual weight and length sense - the child does not eat much. But she is gaining skills and confidence day by day.