Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I don't know which is more exciting to report first: Zoe's first steps (real steps, three of them) or first kiss bestowed (to daddy). Or - there is more - that she drank just about 6 oz of milk in one sitting of her own free will (she sometimes take 6 oz of milk over three days). Oh! What a day.

Actually, I didn't see Zoe's first step. I was in the kitchen cooking when I heard Dennis yell "Honey! She's walking!!!!" I ran out, but it was too late, Zoe was back to her hands and knees. I encouraged her to "walk," but all she did was crawl over to me demanding to be carried. Oh well. I wish I saw it, but I'm glad that Dennis was there to see it for he was so worried that he would be at work when she takes her first steps. It's a good day for Dennis. Not long after, Zoe kissed his cheeks for the first time. He said "kiss Papa," and she did! Tenderly, sweetly. It was a priceless moment.

I guess Zoe decided she can't leave mom empty handed - she didn't kiss me, even after I planted my cheeks in front of her in the most endearing, beseeching way - and so drank a whole lot of milk right before bed. That was almost better than a kiss!

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