In the days of our lives, some days are great, some days are perfectly ordinary with nothing to mark it, and some days are better forgotten. Luckily, today fell under the first category.
It started wonderfully. This morning, after breakfast, I took Zoe to a nearby playground. She loved the playground the last time we were there, but today, today she LOVED it. Zoe has arrived at the climbing stage and how she climbed. Up and down the steps, up and around rails, bars... anything. Luckily, she still has the good sense to fear heights and so was not overly reckless. If all that was not enough, a couple of children arrived just when we were beginning to tire of climbing and sliding; Zoe was engrossed with watching the siblings play and they ended up "playing" together.
It being a lovely summery day, we went outside to play again in the afternoon after Dennis came home. It gives me great joy to see Dennis and Zoe play, to hear them laugh. And there was much laughter.
With all that activity, Zoe was exhausted by six - she missed her nap this afternoon - and went to sleep early, leaving Dennis and I to enjoy an early start to a quiet evening. Did I not say today is a good day?
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