Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All the things I have to say!

Zoe's language skills is growing in leaps and bounds. It's not just her vocabulary that is growing. Somehow or other, she's figuring out grammatical construction too. For example, she responded to my question of "which one do you want" with "I want that one." She didn't say "Baby want that" or "Linghui want that." She used the pronoun "I." I was impressed.

I think she delights in expressing herself too. For example, she spat out a mouthful of corn earlier this evening at dinner. She looked down and declared, as if I was the one who made the mess, "Why did you do that?!?" Then, still looking down, she confessed "I made a mess!"

Soon after, she asked for ice cream. We told her she had to wait. Her response? "10 minutes!!"

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