I forget where I got this quote from. But that's what we are trying to do these days with the land we have. Though we have come a long way, there is still a long journey ahead. It is May now and I am happy to report that we have one garden bed going (and looking good). Another one is planted with seeds (carrots, lettuce, choggia beets) and some store bought young plants (spinach, beets, onion and garlic). One also set out seeds in another herb bed, but that's been two weeks now and has failed to take it seems. We also planted one Dwarf Meyer Lemon tree and five blueberries plants a couple of weeks ago, and I just sowed plenty of New Zealand white clover as cover crop in the space between them. Hopefully these grow In short, I've met put of my goal of getting at least one vegetable bed going this year. And I'm trying to - or setting them out as best as I can - using permaculture principles.

What the garden (and house) used to look like

We discovered a friendly snake while clearing the garden area right outside the kitchen

Dennis working in the garden with Zoe watching

The area cleared of vegetation and partially amended

Zucchini - When it was still small

They got big!
Our little garden helper
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