Friday, June 11, 2010

Bun 2

I am currently 25 weeks pregnant with Bun Two. Every day his kicks grow stronger and it is quite a wonderful feeling to feel him move about. Perhaps I remember incorrectly, but I believe he is - at this stage - less opinionated than Zoe. If ever I pressed too close to the table, fetus Zoe would kick really hard. Bun Two seems to be more easy going. From this, I like to imagine that he is in temperament a lot like Dennis. Gentle and kind in all ways. Very patient. That would be good. Zoe seems to be more like me in the patience department, which is to say, not very.

Only 15 weeks to go! I'm still debating whether to attempt VBAC. I was very convinced that that is what I want. But a little part of me is worried. Different doctors say different things about the cost and benefits and risk. My mom - and I'm sure Dennis' mom would say the same thing - pray and it will be just alright. We'll see!

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