I haven't been very good at recording much (if any) of Zoe's latest antics and Evan's developmental milestones. I don't feel so bad about the former, though I'm sure I'd regret it later. I do feel bad about not documenting more of Evan however. I'm sure I'd look back later and wish I know how heavy Evan was at four months old and bemoan that we have so much more of this and that about Zoe. We have fallen - as predicted - into the classic second child syndrome. There is less time to obsess over little details, less time to think and ponder parenthood and so on and so forth.
All that said, I am very pleased to report two very important milestones in our lives. I'll start with Evan. He uttered his first recognizable word yesterday. The three of us were on our bed. Dennis had brought Evan in for me to feed and after placing him next to me, Dennis lied down next to Evan and promptly fell asleep. Evan fed a little, turned his entire body towards Dennis. He cooed and made a few sounds. His hands reached out and touched Dennis' shoulders, clearly trying to wake him. Then, he made some sounds followed by a very loud and clear "PA!"
The other huge milestone is that Zoe has gone successfully on her potty for the last two days (7 times for pee and once for poo). It's a huge, huge step and I am still amazed we have finally made the leap. For a while, I thought we are never going to get there (or at least not till Zoe is six or something). Zoe was so resistant and I wasn't sure how much to push her since all the books said to back off when the child resists. Let's just say that I was practically a "Tiger Mom" last Saturday over this. While I was snarling and roaring, insisting that she "sits on the potty till pee pee comes out," I was wrecked by worry and fear. I was terribly worried that I was doing Zoe great wrong by insisting, part of me worried that she was just lazy and wanted to stay infantile by having me change her all the time, part of me worried that she would feel bad when other kids or parents ask her about her lateness in potty training. The part that kept me insisting this time was because I was sure that once Zoe figured out that she can do it, she would do it, that it was fear of failure that kept her from potty training. I'm not sure if my theories are accurate, and how much the proffered punishment of "no desserts till potty trained," and reward of "a trip to Disneyland" helped. No matter. So far, right now, we are officially in Day 2. And we are all proud we are here!! Zoe was so jubilant! That alone made me happy.
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