I started thinking about bicycle and using a bicycle to run errands soon after we bought our house three years ago. Partly because of other more pressing financial exigencies (there were still lots around the house that took priority) and because I was soon pregnant with Evan, the bicycle idea was filed away. Then last summer, I started thinking about it seriously and, since then, it has gone from just a "it would be nice" to a full blown obsession. Dennis' car being out of commission for a few months and the idea of paying thirty, forty thousand for say a new Prius hastened the path towards embracing car alternatives.
But unlike cars, where my attitude (shared by Dennis) is "as long as it gets us there," and "fuel economy," I have developed an affinity for beautiful and well made bicycles. For that, I know that I am influenced by bloggers like lovelybike.blogspot.com and letsgorideabike.blogspot.com. At first I went to them to research the bicycle that I'm interested in. I poured over product reviews. But along the way, I found out that the world of bicycles is very, very large. So many possibilities. So many beautiful bikes that takes skills to make. There are still bicycles that are made in America! Made by people who cherish their craft and not just something that is slapped together in a factory somewhere in China.
Of course, reading about other biking family, families who transport their children and commute by bike has been so inspiring. (For this, I am really glad of the internet and the world of blog - one can learn so much and feel so much less alone and vanguard-ish with just a few clicks). I read about how the families decided on their particular bike style ("long john," "long tail," "midtail") and then bike. It's been awesome.
Now, I am fantasizing about owning a transport bike store. I was quite vexed with the lack of stores that carry the brands I am interested in here. There is actually one that was a local dealer to a bike (Xtracycle Edgerunner) I set my heart on. But the service was lacking and lackadaisical. There really wasn't any product range to see (there was a Madsen and a Xtracycle radish and that was it for the entire cargobike "store") nor willingness to return my emails nor phone calls. Anyhow, I feel quite passionate that this is something that is happening and that there is more and more people who would be receptive to bike commuting and transportation - if only it isn't so hard to test and buy a bike. Of course, this is still at the fantasy stage. I am quite aware of how little I know of bicycles. Can one run a store successfully with merely a passion for the idea of the product and how it is necessary going forward in our Peak Oil world? And, importantly, I don't even have a bicycle in possession yet (though I have ordered one and waiting to pay for another - the Edgerunner).
I can't wait. But I shall of course. Patiently. In the meanwhile, there are fruit trees to prune, garden to weed, children to care for.
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