According to "What to Expect the First Year," Zoe is "entering what might be considered the golden age of babyhood - a period of several enchanted months when good humor reigns during the day, more sleep is happening at night, and independent mobility has yet to be achieved (which means your baby will continue to stay pretty much where you put him or her, limiting mischief and mayhem...)...Sociable and interested, eager to strike up a cooing conversation, to watch the world go by, and to charm anyone within a ten-foot radius, babies this age are an undeniable delight to be around." So, you see, I expect to be all smiles like baby this month (not that we haven't been). However, the author mentioned, almost as a warning, "enjoy this while it lasts."
I suppose so! Soon, I shan't be able to sneak time at the internet while she lays kicking air on the play mat. I'd have to be Argus-eyed during her play time.
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