This picture was actually taken a week or two ago. I am posting it here because I don't have many pictures with Zoe and few of them pleases me - i.e. I don't think I look good in them. Anyhow, this picture was taken early in the morning, during breakfast. It is fairly representative of how we begin our day:
5 am or so: Wake up to the sound of baby sucking her thumb over the baby monitor. Either Dennis or I collect her, change her diaper, and then feed her.
6 am or so: Baby is fed. Dennis or I have breakfast. Zoe joins us, if she is up for it, in the kitchen. We play with her or talk to her while having breakfast - usually croissant, toast or porridge with coffee for Dennis and espresso for me. Else, we put her back into her crib to continue her sleep.
7 am: Dennis leaves for work. If baby is still sleeping, I check email and then take a quick shower.
8:30 am: Baby wakes up. I change and feed her. When that is done, usually about 20 minutes later, depending on how quickly she eats and if I need to sit her up after five minutes, Zoe gets to play on her play mat or sit in her bouncer.
Sometime between 9: 30 and 10 am: Baby looks tired and I put her into her crib again for yet another nap. The day repeats itself in these cycles.
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