Saturday, November 8, 2008

Walkabout at the Wedding

Our friends Kali and Bill were married this morning. The wedding and reception were held at the North Island Naval Station on Coronado. Zoe wore a flowery sundress and a hat that her grandmother made for her.

Zoe had a chance to practice walking at the reception. She was quite sure-footed in her brand-new shoes.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Playing in the kitchen

These days, we have Zoe with us in the kitchen while we cook. Sometimes she wanders around exploring the various surfaces, sometimes she plays with the Leap Frog alphabets we have on the refrigerator door. Other times, she plays with the little pot and wooden spoon I leave out for her, or checks out (again) the straps on her high chair or the recycling bin for her beloved juice containers. And, when she is bored with all that, she stands by the window to see what is outside. Occasionally, when she spies a bird or spies what she thinks is a bird, she would let us know by yelling "Bird!!"

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Zoe was swimming in this outfit last year and see how well it fits her now! Give or take another week and she won't be able to fit it at all!

Palomar Mountain State Park

Lower French Valley

We went out for a nice little hike at Palomar Mountain State Park yesterday. Perhaps it is because the weather was perfect (high 60s, partly overcast), or that the changing season clothed the hills and trees in lambent light, or simply that we haven't been out in a while, we had a great time. Zoe, even though she missed her afternoon nap, was in great spirits the whole way. She looked about curiously, and had fun yelling "Pa Pa" over and over again. We were one very happy family.

Carbo loading before the hike

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Go to the Mattress!

I was changing Zoe's sheets and had her mattress on the floor. She was so curious she came scurrying in a hurry. She touched it and then got onto it with great interest. Here, you see her going to town on it.