Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Expanding Family

Soon, if all things go well, we'd have to change the title of this blog to the "The Adventures & Misadventures of Dennis, Jackie, Zoe and Bun 2." Yep, we are expecting. :)

I hope we are not plain old crazy to want to do this again. Well, too late now!

Potty Milestone

Funny thing to record here, but record here I will so that this milestone will not be forgotten: Zoe managed to go successfully on the potty three times today. One of the time, it was on the portable potty (we had to wait for nearly half an hour while she sat on the portable potty in the trunk). Zoe kept saying "not yet" I thought it was yet another failed attempt, but when I lifted her up, the yellow pee was clearly there. What joy! I think she was so interested in the new portable potty, and encouraged by her success, she became immensely interested in using the potty. Exciting!!