Monday, March 28, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Evan and Solids

This is a video of Evan enjoying this thing called "solids." It is really more mush than solids.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Evan's first tooth has broken through his gums. I felt it for the first time a couple of days ago (Saturday, March 19). It was right after his first morning feed. Evan grabbed my finger and shoved it into his mouth. He was gnawing at my finger when I felt the sharp edge of a tooth. It was very exciting. Dennis missed it as he was so tired he slept through my "Yobo, Yobo, I just felt Evan's teeth!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Makes My Heart Happy

Dennis and Zoe were outside in the garden today. Dennis said, "Doesn't the flowers smell nice?" Zoe replies, "Yes, it makes my heart happy."

The exchange, our little girl, make our hearts so happy.


We started Evan on solids this past Sunday (March 13). So far, the boy is delighted with the upgrade. He giggles and smiles whenever he is presented with the rice porridge. There was some hesitancy at first, but he embraced this new experience pretty quickly.

 A mix of curiosity and anxiety.
 After a few spoonfuls, Evan decided he liked it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Zoe sayings

A few days ago:
"I'm working really hard to become four!"

This morning at breakfast table:
Zoe was prattling on about one thing or other, reciting a list of animals, when she suddenly stopped and said, "I'll explain that one later."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Roll Over

Evan has mastered rolling over. He managed rolling over once in a while before, but started doing it in earnest last week. He is quite an expert with it by now. Since Evan can't speak yet, I can only speculate that he is very anxious to get moving. He would roll himself onto his belly and start shaking all four as if trying to move. Then he would grunt and then whine - I believe - in frustration for not achieving his goal. Or, I should say, for not achieving his goal consistently. He moves. Mostly, he rotates in place. A few days ago, I suspect he even managed to crawl. I say I suspect because he was not where I placed him down on when I walked away. And his new location tells me that he didn't get there by rolling over many times.

I think he is on the cusp of some major development. Evan has been sleeping very badly - at night and in the day. He keeps turning himself over and looks like he is trying to crawl. We'll see, we'll see. I sense a lot of frustration. The boy is keen to be like his sister!