Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Zoe - Thirteen Weeks

Dennis mentioned yesterday, as he held her close, that Zoe will not get any smaller. Soon, faster than we can imagine, and notwithstanding all my fretting about the speed of her weight gain, she will be much bigger. One day, she will be too big for us to cradle within our arms. The she that she is now is as ephemeral as the morning dew. I suppose that is the reality of everyone of us too. It's just that the changes that occur now are less noticeable, solicits less excitement (well, minus the times when I spot the undeniable signs of aging, like when I discovered white hair).

Anyhow, she is today 13 weeks old, which means we are one quarter of the way into her third month. In terms of her physical development, her weight gain has slowed significantly. In fact, she hasn't gained any at all since two weeks ago (She is today 12.07 pounds). I attribute it to her eating habits - she doesn't seem to want very much at all. I tried very hard to encourage her to eat more, but to no avail. All I did was frustrate the two of us. So, as of yesterday, I decided to be Zen about it. After all, I can't force Zoe to nurse if she doesn't want to. For now, she still has her lovely chubby cheeks and is daily babbling and smiling more, which I take as an indication of good health. In terms of her mental development, she is increasingly aware of her surroundings and is very curious about it. Else, we still haven't nailed down a schedule. Yesterday she napped at 9 am and at 1 pm. Today, except for a very brief spell, she missed her morning nap - but we are making our way there. If not surely, at least slowly.

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