Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Slowly but surely

I haven't had the time to keep the blog updated for a while now. I've been so busy with the house. By evening, if I have any time and energy left, I'm either updating the books, writing checks for services rendered, reviewing the work schedule calendar, or researching products. Most of the time, I'm only capable of stumbling into bed.

But slowly but surely, our house is coming along. The last week has been particularly trying because of some permit issue I ran into with the building department (I won't bother going into details lest my blood pressure rise again and I start to weep). It was all very vexing but, happily, it is all mostly resolved. I think the issue was simply that they didn't like dealing with homeowners and wanted me to schlep in a contractor for them to deal with. And that is exactly what I did in the end, because I have to concede that I don't understand the process enough - or even the language they speak - to deal with it efficiently. Anyhow, I can almost see the light at the end of this remodeling tunnel: the windows are in and stucco repair should probably be all done by next Monday or Tuesday. The painters come in next Monday and kitchen installation begins Wednesday. I've pushed back the flooring installation because our bathroom tile guy is behind and because I have yet to secure my bathroom cabinet. Ah well.

(Incidentally, for unknown reasons, I can't seem to post pictures anymore to blogger - a real bummer - Dennis is helping me post a picture of the house I took yesterday. It shows our new windows).

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