Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cookies and shoes

Dennis and I are now speculating if the love of shoes is innate. I took out the various shoes I've bought for Zoe over  time, shoes I've picked up when they are on sale (and thus affording me some the excuse of "she'll need it eventually, I'm saving money by buying now). Her feet are still too small for them. But her reaction was quite incredible. There was this palpable pleasure in seeing them. She uttered this sound that sounded like a half giggle and half laugh and reached down to handle them. As much as I love shoes, I haven't indulged in this love of late and so I can't see how and where Zoe picked up this behavior. Must be innate.

Also, this afternoon, I picked up a box of Belgian Chocolate Biscuits from Trader Joe's. When I opened them, there was that gasp of pleasure from Zoe too. She was so awed by the array of cookies lying in front of her. Luckily for us, she was content with just one (even though we told her she could have up to three).

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