Sunday, August 5, 2012

Zoe "graduates" from preschool

Zoe graduated from preschool today. To use the word "graduate" is to impart importance when in fact it really isn't. It isn't because this isn't high school graduation or college graduation, where the child has - presumably, hopefully - gained enough knowledge and wisdom to support independence. It isn't really much because I view learning to be a continuum, it never ends. Yet it is important a marker to me. Zoe will be turning five and officially of kindergarten age. I shall have to be more attentive to her education. We have chosen to homeschool Zoe, which means we take full responsibility for the education and development of Zoe's capacity. I shall have to figure a way to manage my time: taking full responsibility for the education of Zoe, attending to Evan's developmental needs, growing our own food, start a business.

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