Sunday, March 9, 2008

Feeding Zoe

Zoe is eating well these days (or I should say the last three days). She refused solids for a couple of days prior to this. I had given the solids a hiatus after she demonstrated a clear propensity to eczema, which is an allergic reaction. She is highly sensitive to many things, as it turns out. Anyhow, since she has reached the age where breast milk is no longer enough and that solids is necessary for a balanced diet, I reintroduced solids again a couple of days ago. The reintroduction didn't go so well. Our little one didn't want any and she made her point by clamping her jaws shut. All attempts to lure her into opening her mouth failed. Not singing, not opening my mouth wide and going "AHHHHH," not my arguments for why she should try the yellow goo - "YUMMY!!!" Nor could I pry her mouth open.

Luckily, she has since warmed to the idea and is showing good appetite.

This is a list of food she has tried:

1. Butternut Squash (her favorite right now, absolutely no adverse reaction).
2. Brown Rice Cereal (no adverse reaction).
3. Peas (no adverse reaction, but seems to make her a little constipated).
4. Avocado (hated it at first, but seems to love it now. Unfortunately, she seems a little sensitive to it. Have to try again and see if she develops a mild case of eczema again).
5. Banana (made a face; would have nothing to do with it. Seemed to have a slight sensitivity to it).
6. Prune and Oatmeal mix (Would not have much of it. Seemed to be slightly sensitive to it).
7. Carrots (no adverse reaction, but we are avoiding now because she became very constipated after we gave it to her. Apparently, according to the nurse we spoke to, carrots can be very constipating).
8. Pear (hated it; made a sour face).
9. Sweet Potato (liked it, but she developed a bad case of eczema after it. So no sweet potato for now).
10. Turkey (grounds and cooked and pureed. Recommended for iron and for babies who are easily allergic. Unfortunately, Zoe demonstrated adverse reaction to it).
11. Flaxseed oil (as a supplement for omega-3s and to help with her eczema).
12. Corn and Butternut Squash mix (lapped it up this morning. So far so good).

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