Sunday, April 27, 2008

Eight Months!

Zoe is eight months old today and, though it is not a significant milestone by general consensus, for some reason it is to me. Perhaps it is because she is daily becoming more a girl than a baby. Counting by months, she is closer to being a toddler than a newborn. It is probably silly, but not entirely so, to think this: but expecting her to leave home to go to college at 18, and then to wherever life takes her, we would only have her - really have her under our wings - for 18 years. Of this, one year is nearly done and the rest will surely go fast. Every moment is to be cherished!

Anyhow, Zoe's development, as we can see it, is accelerating. Though Dennis disagrees on this, I think she did her first rudimentary crawl yesterday (or perhaps it was earlier than yesterday; we were simply not there to witness it). She did not move in a straight line. Rather, because one leg pushed off more strongly than the other, she moved in an arc like trajectory. It was very cute though, she was trying very hard. I believed she was pleased with her efforts.

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