Sunday, July 13, 2008

Spying on Zoe

So, the question is why we took so long to get a video monitor. No answer to that other than that we didn't think it was necessary and that we were trying to be "good" about not buying everything. Luckily for us, our friends Karen and Marcus convinced us that it is a very good thing to have and that we would probably get plenty of mileage out of it. Mileage or no mileage, we love it the minute it was rigged up. It is a lot of fun spying on Zoe - well, minus right now because baby is protesting nap time in the most vigorous manner possible. It is so sad to see her so very upset! But here is a video of her when she was a happy trooper. Actually, this video shows Zoe checking on this new device in her room. She was most curious about it.

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