Thursday, May 19, 2011


It looks like Evan has allergies. Before we started him on solids, his skin was clear or just slightly blemished by eczema on most days. They flared up only when I ingest dairy or some derivative of cow's milk protein. Since he started on solids, the cheeks has been red and rashy. I haven't identified the exact culprit or culprits (allergic children tend to be allergic to many food), but we have very good reasons to think that Evan is allergic to wheat. So we have avoided wheat. But still the eczema persists. I have to start the sort of regiment I kept when Zoe had her eczema. i.e. I have to keep tract of everything that enters Evan and my mouth. Sigh. I was hoping it won't come to this. It was hard work with Zoe the last time. I'm glad it paid off. Zoe has mostly outgrown her food allergies. She is now only mildly allergic to walnuts and hazelnuts.

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