Friday, June 13, 2008


Our home is now undeniably babe-over. It used to be that Dennis and I would put baby's things away every evening after we put Zoe into her crib. Toys, knickknacks, Exersaucer and such would be transported from the living room floor and into her room. The living room would regain some semblance of our previous uncluttered life. Well, those days are gone! Since we bought the playzone two weeks ago to corral baby with, there is no longer any easy way to deny that a baby lives here. Not that we would want to. I'm just marveling at how not 10 steps into the house and a guest would see this 10' by 9' enclosure that is bright as bright can be. Zoe doesn't seem to mind the brightly colored limitations we put up so far, though she has already shown great interest in the world outside by sticking her arms through the openings and waving them about.

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