Saturday, August 29, 2009


One day, a long time from now, Zoe can boast that she had her first coffee even before she turned two. A couple of days ago, Aug 27 to be specific, Zoe stole a sip (or sips) from my "doppio over ice in a grande cup with two packs of raw sugar and a good splash of half and half." She has, heretofore, never shown any interest in drinking my coffee and so I never thought much about leaving my coffee on the coffee table. Imagine my surprise when I came back into the room to find Zoe leaning over the table and sipping coffee through the green straw. The little girl liked the drink. She threw a big fit when I said she can't drink that and took it away from her.

And talk about firsts, Zoe received her first flower (from a man) on her second birthday. It was a rose from Uncle Paul.

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